Calling All Practice Groups!

Calling All Practice Groups!

Is your Practice Group struggling for members and struggling for recognition?  My Collaborative Team is ready to help on two different fronts!

First, if your group is struggling for recognition in your professional community, My Collaborative Team has a 60-90-minute webinar we will put on for you.  This webinar titled: “Collaborative Practice: How Crazy Is It?” is an opportunity for your Practice Group to invite non-trained professionals from all three disciplines as well as members of your local judiciary to learn what Collaborative Practice is all about and how it can be a positive effect on your courts.  Our team of Collaborative Professionals along with a Circuit Court judge whose division was used for a pilot project that allowed pro se litigants the opportunity to go through the Collaborative Process for free.  The webinar is free, just supply us with a mailing list of guests to invite and we do the rest.  We will even offer scholarships for a future 14-hour Introductory Interdisciplinary Basic Training.

Now if your Practice Group issue is more a matter of needing outlets for your current members, then let me suggest that My Collaborative Team conduct a Happy Hour for your Practice Group or multiple Practice Groups in your area or state.  Once again, we will do the first one for free.  If you haven’t been to one of our Friday Happy Hours, then join us this week to see what they are all about and what we might be able to do for your Practice Group.

My Collaborative Team is kicking off this New Year with a focus on Practice Group growth.  Our mission is to provide participating members and practice groups with marketing support related directly to the advancement and promotion of the Collaborative Process.

My Collaborative Team depends on the individual membership of committed Collaborative professionals across North America.  Join us at

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